i3pack editor versi indonesian

Share] i3play
Kegunaan dari software ini adalah untuk play/extract sound bla bla bla.i3pack !
jadi agan bisa denger suara" radio/heli dari game pointblank Big Grin

[Gambar: 78493892.jpg]

Download Disini !!

Cara Penggunaan :

1. Extract i3play.rar
2. Buka i3play.exe
3. Jangan pisahkan lame.exe karena lame.exe adalah mp3 encoding untuk i3pack.supaya bisa di save sebagai ekstensi mp3.
3. Klik open file trus cari i3pack soundnya di folder Pack Point Blank Cool
4. Tadaaaa ,silahkan play atau save Big Grin

NB : beberapa sound i3pack belum bisa dibuka Angel

jangan lupa diclick Big Grin

VGA Card 512 MB ATI Radeon

Cara Edit File i3pack ICube Engine PB

Sorrry ane rahasian textnya takut digunakan secara ilegal kalo mau cra peggunaan hubungi ane / pollow blog ini
mau bukti hasi gw bisa ngeditnya klik  http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254414_219592861394999_100000328593626_772674_5772107_n.jpg


?????????? ????????????? (feature) ????????????????????? Point Blank ??????????????

?????????????????????? ? (preview) ??? ICube ??????? Zepetto ?????????..

?????????: http://www.zepetto.com/html/engine/index.php

**??????????????????? ? ???????????? ???????????????????????**

I-Cube Engine ????????

??????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????

???????????????? I-Cube Engine

2.????????????? I3engine ????????????????????????????????????????????
3.????????????????????????????????? CPU Multi-core ???? OSMU engine
4.???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????

????????????? I-Cube Engine

1. In-Game Editor

??????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????
?????????? ? ???????????????????????

2. i3 Viewer


3. i3 Max Exporter

????????????? (Plug-in) ??????????????????????????? 3Ds Max
??????????????????????????? ? ???????????????????????????????????

4. i3 Charae Editor

??????????????????????????????????????????? ?

5. i3 Effect Editor

???????????????? ????????????????????? ? ???????? ??????????

6. i3 Object Editor

??????????????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????? ?

7. i3 Gui Opt

??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????

8. i3 Image Viewer

???????????????????? (MIPMAP) ????????????????????????

9. i3 Image Maker


10. i3 Pack Tool

(??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? hack resource)

11. i3s Check

?????????? Command line ??????????????????????? ?

12. i3 Shader Manager

?????????????????????????????? ??????????????????
?????????????????????????????????? ATI&nVIDIA

13. i3 UI Editor

(???????? lobby shop room ???????????? ?????????????????? ?)

14. i3 Property Manage

???????????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????????

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????????????????

??? ????? ?? ? ???????????????????????????????? "Can you make Point Blank with 2 million baht?"

??????? ??????? 123 ?????? ??????????? Point Blank ????????? 2???????!

????????????????????????? ? ??? NCSoft ??????? ~400??????? ???? ?????????????? ?

????????????????????? No TIPU No Bacot Ini semua ada Programnya Tanpa PROGRAM INI PB KGA BAKALAN ADA yg buat PB cuma anak kuliahan dengan Icube Engine

mau bukti hasi gw bisa ngeditnya klik  http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254414_219592861394999_100000328593626_772674_5772107_n.jpg



Cheat 1 hit CF 23 MARET 2011

Download :

Features: AUTO-ON

    * M16 OneHitKill
    * M700 OneHitKill
    * AWM OneHitKill
    * No Grenade Damage
    * No Fall Damage

[-]Cara Pakai
-Buka PerX
-Buka Cosfirenya
-Setting Perx nya sesua nama dengan game nya
-Masukan Dll nya
-Jalankan deh...

Tested : 
XP 32 bits = TESTED, WORK 100%
XP 64 bits =Belum Coba
VISTA 32 bits = TESTED, WORK 100%
SEVEN 32 bits = TESTED, WORK 100%
SEVEN 64 bits = TESTED, WORK 100%

@OverDrivejt => Coding
@KillerPhantom123 => Testing and some codes

Jed's CS Model Viewer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH0ceO6-V9s&playnext=1&list=PLE92F9CFE42A28276The defacto tool for previewing Half-Life models is Mete Ciragan's Half-Life Model Viewer. However, the current version doesnt support the new texture features of the Half-Life engine. To get around this, I've modified the source of the v1.25 of the Half-Life Model viewer and added support for these features as best I can plus added some new ones.
Sequence view with added event info and sound playback Additive model texture plus GCF file opened direct in JHLMV Weapon Origin view Texture view with UV map overlay
The program is a complete hack as I'm no C++ expert and it was the first C++ program I ever attempted, but here's the list of current enhancements to the default 1.25 viewer:
  • GUI re-organised
  • Default background colour is now blue/grey instead of black
  • "Save Options" allows you to save your preferences so they are loaded next time you start HLMV
  • Dump Model Info option creates a text file giving a detailed breakdown of your models internal structure
  • Acts as a front-end to STUDIOMDL and MDLDEC allowing you to decompile and compile models from within HLMV
  • Can open GCF, PAK, WAD and BSP files
  • Poly counter shows how many polygons are being drawn
  • Supports the Alpha and Additive texture flags
  • Displays transparent and additive textures in the model preview
  • Texture flags can be set and previewed and saved to the model
  • Option to view the UV Map for any given texture
  • Sequence panel now shows additional sequence parameters
  • Events for a given sequence can be viewed
  • Previewing of new weapon origins for v_model's (tweaked this version)
  • Addition of crosshair and guides for helping with re-origining weapons
  • Small bugs from HLMV 1.25 fixed


IMPORTANT: Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer is for Goldsrc games only, i.e. the original Half-Life, CounterStrike 1.6, Day of Defeat 1.3, etc. If you want to look at models for Source based games like Half-Life2, CounterStrike:Source of Day of Defeat:Source, use the HLMV version included in the Source SDK.

Known bugs

  • 3D view doesnt move or respond to keyboard commands occasionally. Just click once inside the 3D window to un-stick it
  • Scale Mesh/Bones can be a little funky at times
  • Loading a model while in Weapon Origin view can make the model get a little lost when switching tabs

Mini FAQ

Q) I've moved my model and now I can't find it. How do I centre it?
A) Use the "Center View" option under the "Options" menu.
Q) Why do my textures look blurry?
A) HLMV has to scale all textures up to be a power-of-2. This is a requirement of most graphic card hardware. Because of the scaling, some blurring may occur. Textures that are originally power-of-2 will blur less. Also running HLMV in a 16-bit colour mode will cause the colours to appear less than optimal.
Q) How do I use the decompiler/compiler option?
A) First grab a copy of STUDIOMDL and MDLDEC relevant for your mod/game. A good place to look is at: http://collective.valve-erc.com/. Next, use "Configure Tools" to tell HLMV where these are. Then its as simple as choosing Decompile or Compile and pointing it to you MDL or QC file.
Q) I've decompiled my model and re-compiled it but some of my textures are no longer chrome and additive.
A) MDLDEC and STUDIOMDL dont seem to be able to handle textures with multiple rendermode flags sometimes. If this happens, re-set your texture flags within HLMV and save your model from the "File Menu".
Q) How do I use the Weapon Origin Featue?
A)Decompile your v_model and add and $origin line along. with the values from the Weapon Origin view into your QC file and re-compile. A tutorial on doing this using HLMV can be found at: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/scitzo/hlmvtut.htm.
Q) How do I play back event sounds?
A) Use the "Set Sound Folder" option on the "Options" menu to set the root folder of where your sounds are stored. For example, if your event triggers a sound called "\common\ding.wav" and you set your sound folder as "C:\My Sounds", HLMV will look for and play "C:\My Sounds\common\ding.wav".
Q) How do I use Save and Recall View?
A) Move the model viewport into a position you like and choose "Save View". You can them move the model around or load another model and using "Recall View" will snap the camera back to the position you saved. This can also be done in fullscreen mode with C & R.
Q) How do I open/convert a PS2 Half-Life model?
A) When you open a file, click on the "Files of type:" option and select the PS2 model type. When the model is loaded you can then use "Save Model As" and the model will then be saved in PC Half-Life format.
Q) How do I open/extract from a GCF ?
A) Click on the item you want to extract then right click and choose extract and choose a location to extract to. If the file is a MDL, texture and sequence files will be extracted with it.
Q) Can I preview a file without extracting it?
A) Yes, double click the file. If its a sound it will play, if its a model HLMV will load it. Any other file will launch the currently associated windows application for that file type (if one exists).


Version 1.3.6
  • Added Windows Vista fixes
  • Updated HLLib to version
Version 1.3.5
  • Added Windows XP themes support
  • Updated HLLib to version
  • Fixed minor memory leak
  • Fixed errant message box about changed models
Version 1.3
  • Replaced PAK viewer with a generic Half-Life Package Viewer
  • Can now open GCF, BSP, WAD and PAK files
  • Extracting a model automaticall extracts texture and sequence files with it
  • Removed the "Black Alpha Option"
  • Removed the File Associations. Package viewer now opens files with the currently registered application for that type
  • Removed dependancy on DevIL library
Version 1.2
  • Added support for PS2 Half-Life DOL models
  • Added Export UV as BMP option
  • Added option to playback event sounds during animation
  • Added "Save View" and "Recall View" so you can remember a viewport camera position
  • Added "Black Alpha" option to black out transparent texture parts to avoid blue edges
  • Added ability to use GUIStudioMDL as a compiler
  • Fixed erroneous event display
  • Other stuff I can't remember
Version 1.1
  • Added "Wireframe Overlay" option
  • Added "View Eye Position" option
  • Added Polygon counter to the sub-models menu
  • Added sequence controls to Weapon Origin view
  • Added a few "user friendly" reminders to some tabs
  • Small tweaks to stop textures in "Texture View" blurring so much
  • Sexy new icon!
  • Proper installer/Uninstaller
Version 1.0
  • Fixed config loading errors
  • Expanded Model Dump info
  • Added support for decompiling/compiling
  • Re-organised GUI
  • Added UW Map display option
  • Improved Events display for Sequences
  • Adjusted Weapon Origin view for accuracy
  • Various bug fixes
BETA versions
Version 1.1b
  • Re-wrote rendering code
  • Fixed "X-Ray" additive textures (needs testing, may still occur on multi-layered additive meshes)
  • Improved transparency support to be more like Half-Life's
  • Added Day Of Defeat first-person weapon origin editing
Version 1.0b
  • Added support for transparent and additive texture modes
  • Added support for setting of texture flags and previewing
  • Added listing of events associated with a sequence
  • Added additional sequence info
  • Added dump model info option
  • Added Save Options command
  • Changed default background colour to grey

License / Disclaimer

You are allowed to distribute software on this page freely as long as it is not for profit and this documentation is intact and unmodified. If you do decide to distribute it, please let me know as I'd like to know who's using it.
This software is experimental. I, the author, assume no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic.

CrossFire Hacks[ 1 Hit + Cheat Terbang

Download :


F5      : One Hit Kill, No Grenade Damage
F6      : Instant Reload, No Change Delay
F7      : No Fall Damage, Shotty Spread (5 Bullet Spread)
Shift   : Terbang
Control : Turun


[-]Jangan tekan Shift atau control saat di Lobby karena akan menyebabkan DC[Disconect]
[-]Hack terbang tidak work di semua map


Tested by me work In Window 7


Semangat untuk memberi yang terbaik bagi pengunjung blog membuat saya berusaha keras untuk menampilkan materi tutorial yang bermutu. Kali ini saya akan membahas editing movie. Suatu materi yang cukup menarik terutama bagi Anda yang suka membuat film indie. Pada tutorial ini saya menggunakan software Ulead Video Studio 9. Oke, selamat menikmati dan belajar editing movie. Langkah-langkah mengedit film yang diambil menggunakan handycam sebagai berikut :
Ulead VideoStudio 9 CARI DI GOOGLE
  1. Dimulai dari Star – Program – Ulead VideoStudio 9
  2. Selanjutnya Klik VideoStudio Editor untuk memulai mengedit Film
  3. Sebelum mengedit kita pindahkan dulu film hasil shoting kita dari Handycam dengan cara mengklik capture, yang selanjutnya akan disimpan di folder yang telah kita buat sebelumnya
  4. Untuk memulai mengedit, file yang tadi telah kita capture di buka lalu di blok potongan – potongan film hasil shotingan kita
  5. Lalu muncul Conformasi bahwa file tersebut akan di edit lalu Pilih Oke
  6. Lalu di Drag Potongan-potongan tadi yang hasilnya seperti di bawah ini, selanjutnya kita akan memberi efek, di sini banyak efek yang bias kita berikan
  7. Selanjutnya efek tadi kita drag ke posisi potongan-potongan film, sebagai contoh kita pilih yang film, dan hasilnya bisa kita kita lihat di bawah
  8. Selanjutnya kita akan membuat tulisan/judul, untuk memberi tulisan kita pilih Title yang disini banyak pilihan yang bisa kita gunakan
  9. Setelah itu tulisan tadi di drag di posisi Label T , dan Tempatkan sesuai dengan potongan film yang kita kehendaki
  10. Selanjutnya kita akan memberi audio/musik, kita pilih Audio
  11. Pilih Lagu Yang di Sesuai
  12. Selanjutnya kita drag ke posisi icon musik
  13. Selanjutnya untuk mengakhir film kita, kita bisa beri tulisan
  14. Bila Kita telah selesai mengedit, selanjutnya kita gabungkan hasil editan kita dengan memilih Share yang nantinya akan di pindah dalam kepingan CD
  15. Selanjutnya muncul confirmasi, dan File Tersebut disimpan dalam folder film kita
  16. Pada Tahap Akhir yaitu menggabungkan atau Proses Rendering

Hentikan VIRUS SHORTCUT/autorun.inf/recycle

Langkah – Langkah pembasmian:
1. Matikan System Restore. Sejak dulu saya selalu mematikan system restore segera setelah proses instalasi windows. Untuk keperluan backup dan imaging system, saya lebih memilih menggunakan third party seperti acronis ataupun Norton Ghost.

2. Matikan proses virus wsrcipt.exe (C:\WINDOWS\System32\wscript.exe)
Bisa menggunakan proces explorer atau misc. tool pada hijackthis
3. Hapus file virus database.mdb di My Documents..
4. Hapus file duplikat virus..
Untuk proses penghapusan, anda bisa menggunakan fasilitas search pada Windows.. Pada “More advanced options”, pastikan option “Search system folders” dan “Search hidden files and folders” keduanya telah dicentang.
Search file dengan nama autorun.inf ukurannya 8 KB
Search file dengan nama Thumb.db ukurannya 8 KB
Search file dengan ekstensi .lnk.lnk ukurannya 1 KB
Hapus semua file yang ditemukan..
Untuk lebih memudahkan proses pencarian yang sekaligus menghapus file yang ditemukan, anda bisa menggunakan software UTool, sebuah freeware yang dapat anda download secara gratis di SINI. Program ini akan secara otomatis mencari dan kemudian menghapus file-file yang diinginkan (lihat gambar).
5. Hapus registry Autorun yang dibuat virus dengan menggunakan HijackThis..
Cari di bagian HKCU\..\Run: yang berhubungan dengan file database.mdb (pada gambar namun file database.mdb udah saya hapus)
Untuk lebih memantabkan proses pencegahan dan melindungi komputer kita dari serangan virus lokal yang sangat memusingkan ini, anda dapat melakukan hal-hal berikut:
1. Setelah proses instalasi windows, segera matikan system restore.
2. Install software third party misal Tweak UI atau Magic Tweak untuk mendisable autorun dan mencegah teraktivasinya file-file .inf. Mungkin pada Windows XP Professional, proses menon-aktifkan autorun bisa dilakukan dengan mudah, namun pada versi Win XP Home, anda memerlukan software ini. Tambahan informasi, program MagicTweak selain berfungsi menon-aktifkan autorn  dapat juga digunakan untuk mencegah dijalankannya file-file .inf File autorun.inf yang biasanya merupakan awal dari berjangkitnya virus akan secara otomatis diubah menjadi murni file txt alias notepad oleh program ini dan dia tidak lagi bisa dieksekusi. Ini sangat membantu jika memang secara tidak sengaja kita mengaktifkan atau mengeksekusi autorun.inf meski proses autorun sudah didisable untuk semua drive (termasuk flash disk).
3. Setelah semua proses instalasi windows, driver, program, dan lain-lain telah selesai, segera backup image system anda menggunakan software macam Acronis True Image atau Norton Ghost, sehingga jika nanti ada masalah yang tidak dapat anda selesaikan dengan mudah, anda dapat merestoreasi backup system tersebut.
4. Jika perlu, instal juga Deep Freeze apabila komputer anda digunakan oleh banyak orang, sehingga settingan komputer tidak akan berubah-ubah.
5. Update info: Ciri-ciri virus terdapatnya virus shortcut pada flashdisk dapat diketahui dengan perbedaan icon flashdisk tersebut yang biasanya berbentuk seperti icon drive menjadi berubah seperti icon folder. Jika menemui icon seperti ini, berarti dalam flashdisk tersebut terdapat virus. Gunakan explorer dan buka flashdisk lewat explorer (jangan klik 2x dari my computer) dan hapus file autorun dan file2 tersangka virus lainnya secara manual dengan menekan shift + DEL (supaya tidak tersangkut di recycle bin). Rata-rata virus lokal dapat dicegah dengan cara manual seperti ini asalkan OPSI DISABLE AUTORUN pada windows dan/atau MagicTweak telah diaktifkan, dan juga OPSI DISABLE .INF FILE pada MagicTweak telah diaktifkan (lihat gambar).

Semoga informasi ini dapat membantu dan membuat kita lebih hati-hati jika menemui virus-virus lokal. Jangan sampai kita menjadi korban dan pekerjaan kita terbengkelai karena harus ngurusi virus.